Blues Musicians - Want Your Gigs Listed On This Calendar?

Dallas/Ft Worth/N Texas Blues Musicians - Want to see your weekly gigs listed on this calendar and have them read live on the air on KNON's BIG TEXAS BLUES program?

Email (no texts, messages to this blog or Facebook posts accepted) your gigs for the upcoming week NO LATER THAN Sunday Evening to:

Please include the following:
Your name * Band Name (if Applicable) * If it is full band gig, solo or duo * Name of Venue * City Venue is located in * Time your show starts and ends

Remember - this is a BLUES calendar posted on a BLUES blog and read on a BLUES radio show, so please only include BLUES gigs. Also, only include shows within the Dallas/Ft Worth/N Texas area.

Thursday, July 06, 2006


It's 3:45 in the afternoon on a sunny, breezy, warm day here in Aberdeen, Scotland, and I'm listening to Cheryl Arena fill in for me real time from the link at the web site!

This trip has really crystallized several things for me personally. First, how small a place the world really is. Yeah, there are differences here. But when it comes to the blues, it's the same here as back in the States - people love good Blues music!

I'm also just that much more fired up about what a great scene we have in the DFW area. I've been working hard to get the word out about KNON, and know we have gained lots of new listeners from my trip. That's good for my tiny ego (!), KNON and most importantly, all of the fabulous Blueswomen and Bluesmen I play weekly on Big Texas Blues.

Now that I have experinced first hand the amazingly welcoming reaction here to my personal Texas Style blues, my mind is just zooming about all the fabulous artists at home that should be making this trip themselves! If the blues lovers here could just see and hear for themselves the soulful blues of Andrea Dawson, Joe Jonas and Jackie Don Loe! If they could witness the power of Cheryl Arena, Kerri LePai and Miss Marcy! I know some of the local artists are already hooked into the European scene, but so many aren't that should be!

So you can count on my hitting the ground running when I get back to Dallas. As Jackie Don says "It's time to get our kicks in 2006!" And that's just the start!

And right here I really need to give a huge, HUGE "Thank You" to Son Henry for opening my eyes and making my dreams come true. For over a dozen years now you have encouraged, enlightened and empowered me. My debt to you is imeasurable. Thank you, my friend. Thank you.

1 comment:

Andrea Dawson said...

Very cool post Lisa... I've got me bags packed!!!
